Sunday, July 20, 2008

Shooting into the top

If it is so good, then it has to be seen. After watching Spiderman-III last year, I had developed an instant anathema for these super hero movies. Much to my chagrin though, these sorts of movies continue to jingle coins at the box-office. The prime examples are IronMan, and the recently released Hancock. So, when Dark Knight was mentioned and introduced to me as another Batman movie by one of my friends, I greeted it with another shrug-of-shoulders thing.

But it somehow kept appearing everywhere-print, media, discussions. And when I saw its profile in imdb, I was gob smacked. Number 3 in all-time movie rankings ! You are kidding. Oh my God, it has actually reached Number 1.Either people must be dumb or Dark Knight must be truly outlandish. For me, no movie can match the magic of ‘The Shawshank Redemption’. So, if it is so good, it must be more magical. My rankings fixation aside, the movie has actually received some beyond-this-world reviews. Ah!

So, I am gonna watch it now. But the problem is I haven’t watched previous Batman movies. When I searched, I found that there is a serious backlog to be completed. So, Mr Knight, you will have to wait for some more nights; and if you are so good, moon must be blue that night.